Monday, March 25, 2013

Steps to decommision Netapp Filer

Follow these steps to decommision...

Disable the auto support from the admin host: ssh <filer> options autosupport.enable off

Unmount the root volume for both heads from both admin servers: umount /<filername>

log in to DFM host and execute

rsh <to stop cluster alerts>: dfm service stop , then dfm service start sql, then dfm host delete <filername(fqdn)> , then dfm service start

Disable the cluster,
# rsh <filername> cf disable

rsh <filername> vol status
any vols besides vol0 online need to be offline. If the only volumes showing are arch, take them offline for 2 days before proceeding. issue the command rsh <filename> vol offline <volname>

rsh <filername> aggr offline <aggrname> then rsh <filername> aggr destroy <aggrname>

rsh <filername> aggr status -r ( capture the record )

rsh <filername> disk zero spares (Note: This may take a couple of hours)

rsh <filername> aggr status -d

rsh <filername> aggr status aggr0 -d <this will show vol0's disks, collect them and do not run disk sanity on it>

rsh <filername> license |grep sanitization <this is to check if license is available for sanitization service> / if not found then add as below

rsh <filername> license add <Licencenumber>

rsh <filername> disk sanitize start -c 6 <disk_names in multiples seprated by space> (This will take several hours to complete)

remember to run sanity on disk's of respective filer in a cluster. (all disks sanity cannot be run from a single filer of a cluster)

rsh <filername> disk sanitize status <to check sanity status>

rsh <filername> aggr status -r <capture the record>

rsh <filername> disk sanitize status

rsh to filer & copy the output of log file, i.e, rdfile /etc/log/sanitized_disks to text file or /etc/log/sanitized_disks

repeat the same to copy log file, rsh <filername>rdfile /etc/log/sanitization.log or /etc/log/sanitization.log

rsh <filername> sysconfig | head -4 <to collect Chassis, model & HW detail> (will be usefull upon raising SR's)

unmount the /<filername> from whichever admin host that you were using for executing decom

ssh <filername> then umount <filername>

Once above steps completed decom filer networks.

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