Monday, February 15, 2016

Configuring Flash Pool on Netapp 7-Mode as well as C-mode

NetApp Flash Pool is an intelligent storage caching product within the NetApp Virtual Storage Tier (VST) product family. A Flash Pool aggregate configures solid-state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) into a single storage pool (aggregate), with the SSDs providing a fast-response-time cache for volumes that are provisioned on the Flash Pool aggregate.

Remeber that there is minimum requirement of Disk to create a FLASH POOL 

FAS3100 and FAS3200 min requirement is 3+2 ( 3 data + 2 Parity )

FAS6000 and FAS6200 is 9+2 ( 9 Data + 2 Parity )

Step 1:- You Need to enable Hybrid on your aggregate in order to have flash pool

7- Mode

aggr options aggr_name hybrid_enabled on

Cluster Mode 

storage aggregate modify -aggregate aggr_name -hybrid_enabled true

Step 2:- Now you can add disks using their DISK ID's , If you have more than one Raid Group you have to choose which RG 


aggr add aggr_name -T SSD 6@100

cluster Mode

storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr-name -disktype SSD -diskcount 3

You can verify If it is enabled as below


aggr status -v aggr_name

Cluster Mode

storage aggregate show -aggregate aggr_name

Once done now you need to create READ or WRITE policies in the Aggregate , Please follow the guide to create policies 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

What is host automatic LUN space reclaiming in Netapp Ontap 8.2

Data ONTAP 8.2 introduced a space reclamation feature that allows Data ONTAP to reclaim space from a thin provisioned LUN when the client deletes data from it, and also allows Data ONTAP to notify the client when the LUN cannot accept writes due to lack of space on the volume.

Supported Operating System starting from the versions below following all the later releases

VMware ESX 5.0 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2

Microsoft Windows 2012

Note:- You can only enable space reclamation through the Data ONTAP command line,

nayabclus1::> lun show -vserver svmsan -path /vol/lnxvol/lnxlun -fields

vserver path space-allocation
------- ---------------------- ----------------
svmsan /vol/lnxvol/lnxlun disabled

Now Enable space reclamation for the LUN lnxlun

nayabclus1::> lun modify -vserver svmsan -path /vol/lnxvol/lnxlun -space-allocation

Check the LUN's space reclamation setting now

nayabclus::> lun show -vserver svmsan -path /vol/lnxvol/lnxlun -fields space-allocation

vserver path space-allocation
------- ---------------------- ----------------

svmsan /vol/lnxvol/lnxlun  enabled

The space reclamation has been enabled