I have faced an issue during restoration of a unix ( Solaris ) filesystem backup

“Status 147 - required or specified copy was not found”,
Later i have examined the bprd logs and i saw the error below
zmasb1:/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprd # more log.061814 | grep copy #1 not found!
11:27:27.411 [10605] <2> restore files: proxy_copy = 0
11:27:27.411 [10605] <2> restore files: alt_rest_copy_num = 0
11:27:27.696 [10605] <2> add_image_to_list: backupid zwftpt1_1278162514 copy #1 not found!
This is issue with the primary image in the netbackup where the PRIMARY_COPY/FRAGMENT mismatch or Corrupted, Now we have to duplicate the image to a good and valid backup image using command bpduplicate. Please keep in mind before you duplicate a image to make it primary image verify the image first. In my case i am going to duplicate last monthly backup image as primary image.
Now go to your NBU console and go to Catalog and there you can search for a valid image which you can restore